Photo by Sarah Thomson
So many steps we've taken
on this thread bare carpet
where you grew up, left home
and then returned, saying - incredulous
“I can't believe you're still here, Mom.”
I look at this carpet, now covered in
fine, white diatomaceous earth
to rid it of the fleas left behind
by the dying cat. The vet told me
they cling to dying animals
for dear life. As much as I hate
this vermin, I have to admit
they are not alone in this behavior -
as haven't I done much the same?
Endings happen, no matter
how tightly I cling. When will I learn
to let go with grace? To know that
what has been, will always be?
Perhaps in a different form,
like these diatoms, here to
end my suffering, allowing me
to walk unhindered
to the next room.
Sarah Thomson